Research-backed Science of Flow: Intuition for Athletes course is poised to play a crucial role in improving athletic performance

Anabolic steroids and growth hormones among athletes have been a point of controversy in the sports industry. It's common for elite athletes to seek the advice of medical professionals on the use of medication to augment their athletic prowess. While these steroids have shown to improve performance, they've come mainly under fire because of their side effects. Some researchers have associated these medications with morbidity and increased probability of mortality.

Many have turned to dietary manipulations and sports supplementation to meet the clamor for performance enhancement to edge out their competition. So much is the demand for sports enhancements that the global market is expected to reach a record value of $58.27 billion by 2026.

Recent research has shown that the human body has mechanisms in place that, when tapped, enable athletes to not only enhance their performance but also harness the body's natural healing capabilities and processes. In her four-week course Science of Flow: Intuition for Athletes, Rachel Reinhart Taylor M.D. teaches elite athletes how to make their bodies work for them and not against them, addressing lapses in the mind and body connection.

Utilizing her background and expertise as a doctor of medicine, she has fully grasped the science behind the body's mechanism, able to design a program that gives full benefits to athletes in terms of performance and self-healing. Those who underwent the program experienced metabolic energy savings, pain signal inhibition, improved breathing, better fluid exchange between blood vessels and tissues, and increased cardiac output.

According to PGA Golfer Louis Harrington, the course provided him with a fantastic and insightful experience. "It's a huge benefit as a professional golfer being able to understand emotions and tools to help in challenging situations. This course is really worth millions," said Harrington.

The program is unique in that, aside from maximizing the body's existing systems, Dr. Taylor has designed her course to teach and ensure athletes understand the human body's potential. As such, she insists on personally teaching the principles to each student-athlete. She's confident that if she can successfully communicate the concepts and truths, they will no longer need her services after the course.

One of the fundamental concepts taught in the course is how mood and heart significantly impact organ function. Through the heart's electromagnetic field measured by an EKG, Dr. Taylor can determine if organs are working properly up to the cellular level. Based on the EKG, athletes are subjected to training and exercise programs that enable athletes to reach an efficient state any time they want.

Research has found that this electromagnetic field can be regulated within an 18-inch distance, akin to choirs singing in synchronized beats. Dr. Taylor believes that when this principle is employed in sports teams, coaches would be able to train and lead their dream team playing in perfect harmony.

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Baden Bower