Meet Arishma Singh: a keynote speaker who inspires you to achieve sustainable success without compromising your well-being

Whether you lead a Fortune 500 company or simply want to motivate yourself to rise to the next level, the world's top keynote speakers can teach you a lot.

Opening the opportunity to identify wellbeing strategies has been shown to not only increase happiness but also heighten levels of productivity, innovation and overall performance.

There are many experts on success and mental health, all championing the power of the mind and its ability to enhance individual performance.

Arishma Singh is considered one of the thought leaders in this field. She regularly inspires audiences of entrepreneurs, change-makers and corporate high achievers with her charismatic, interactive and authentic keynotes and workshops.

Her deep passion for storytelling, her knowledge of emotional freedom techniques, and her experience as a top sales professional enable her to deliver powerful speeches that consistently receive high praise.

Arishma's near-death experience woke her up to searching for innovative mind body tools after she was admitted to the hospital for severe pancreatitis, where she spent three weeks fighting for her life in the ICU and another three months in post recovery.

This event sparked her journey toward deep self excavation, acceptance of her conditions, and a focus on sustainable performance without compromising wellbeing.

The audience that Arishma appeals to is keen to learn new techniques and strategies to improve their performance and quality of life. She is a powerful speaker who shares her iconic success story of conviction, grit and gumption with audiences all over the world.

Digging deeper into the audience's experiences with Arishma uncovers positive testimonials like this:

"Our continued focus is on wellbeing. It tied in well with our strategy, giving our employees a new way of looking at stress reduction techniques and mindfulness. Arishma was awesome, really high energy and did an amazing job. I noticed everyone's body language and they are interested to learn more about the techniques," said Anmarie Forrester, Experian, HR Director, Australia NZ Japan.

Arishma is passionate about changing the way the corporate world sees performance and wellbeing as two separate business objectives. She expertly combines the two with her THRIVE framework, which empowers people to overcome their limitations and reach their full potential. Her upcoming book, The Respected Salesperson, goes deeper into the framework.

Arishma Singh