The Most Unique NFT Drop In 2022 Is Moody Mink Society

Moody Mink Society is a unique crypto project that stands out from similar projects because of its groundbreaking release plans and its determination to not only bring mental health to the Metaverse and schools across America, but to also end the sale of fur across the globe.

Riding the blockchain technology wave, Moody Mink Society is set for a spectacular 2022 with a raft of thrilling developments in store for its members.

Moody Mink Society will drop 7,777 Moody Minks NFTs at a currently undisclosed date. Each NFT is unique, will forever be in circulation, and will bring incredible utility to the holders, according to Dr Cortez.

"Moody Mink Society will house the Metaverse's first META-tation center, where NFT holders will have access to events produced by The Anxiety Dr," says founder Dr Lisa Cortez.

She said that Moody Mink Society will bring in top mental health specialists to conduct mental health and personal development programs for all Mink holders.

"Bringing mental health systems to the Metaverse is one way to help people. My ultimate goal is to use this platform to educate stress and anxiety coping methods to US-based teachers, to, in turn, use in the classroom."

The project team plans to give back to society and to its holders. They will support other WOMEN-DRIVEN NFT projects and mental health-related initiatives. They will also give back to organizations that help put a stop to the selling of fur, as selected by their holders.

"When you join Moody Mink Society, you join something bigger than NFT. You are joining a movement to help yourself and others around the world," Dr Cortez added.

The NFT project's philosophy of altruistic advocacy has created a lot of buzz on the internet. They have a devoted community of NFT and crypto enthusiasts, comprised of thousands of social media followers and an ever-growing Discord community.

Moody Mink Society has not announced the release dates of these projects but has pledged to keep people updated via their social media platforms.

Dr Lisa Cortez, the founder of the project, is a psychotherapist with 21 years of experience. She is a passionate advocate of mental health awareness and treatment and is using her experience and profile to help normalize therapy and its value. Her work has been published in several magazines, and she has spoken publicly for large corporations like Microsoft.

The Metaverse has evolved to meet our shifting societal demands as a race. People can play games, visit virtual galleries, and attend virtual events in the Metaverse. With Moody Mink Society, NFT collectors can now participate in powerful personal development and mental health workshops.

You can communicate with their project team via Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok and Discord.

Baden Bower News
Baden Bower